Our Approach
The Trust provides outstanding provision for children and families, firmly rooted in the context of the local community. The locality based Multi-Academy Trust model was established to secure purposeful partnerships with parents, staff, governors, local community groups and broader business partners to deliver the very best learning experiences and secure positive progression routes for every child and young person in the learning community.
School Improvement Through Collaboration
The Trust is filled with people who care about removing barriers to learning.
From teachers, governors and senior leaders to administrators and support staff, everyone has a role to play in the success of our individual academies and the collaborative as a whole.
The Trust has access to a school improvement team that adds capacity for raising standards and challenges practice, pedagogy and methodology. The Improvement Team is constituted separately and is accessed and quality assured by the Chief Executive, Mr David Sutton.
The Improvement Team consists of Consultant Head Teachers and practising OFSTED inspectors.
These lead professionals devote whatever time is needed to each Academy.
Other specialists provide support for the sharing and comparison of data, monitoring and intervention, developing personalised learning
pathways, inclusion and behaviour as well as advising on teaching and learning.
" ...a structure for the sharing of expertise and the delivery of learning opportunities."
The Trust has an NLE, NLG, LLE and SLE’s who are deployed across the group to provide a structure for the sharing of expertise and the delivery of learning opportunities at key times such as training days, preparation for inspections and intervention events.
Curriculum/phase leaders, special needs specialists and support staff from the Trust regularly meet and are deployed at key times to provide the leadership and the energy for school improvement.
This mechanism of support is flexible and capable of expansion at a particular time of need. The greatest resource for raising standards lies within the networked partnership of schools, providing peer led support and challenge in all areas.
A Return To Traditional Values and Standards
The vision for the Maltby Learning Trust is to provide high quality education and deliver the best possible outcomes for all children and young people.
We provide outstanding provisions for families, firmly rooted in the context of the local community.
We seek to support lifelong learning and provide excellence in teaching through high expectations and a return to traditional values and standards.
This is an exciting time in our development as we continue to expand our group of schools and to have a further impact on the lives of young people.
Maltby is a forward thinking Multi-Academy Trust which is determined to ensure its schools all work together in order to support the common goal of improving the quality of teaching and learning across Maltby and the surrounding areas.
British Values
In the Maltby Learning Trust academies, we actively promote positive, inclusive values.
These include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We believe British values are those values expected of anyone living in Britain, regardless of their nationality, culture or religious belief.

We place great emphasis on building positive relationships in school, amongst the students themselves and between staff and students.

We strongly believe students should not merely be taught such values but that they are embedded into school life and how we do things.

We strive to support our students to develop into confident, happy, successful young adults who have empathy towards and an understanding of those less fortunate than themselves.