Maltby Grammar School - Renovation Plans

Maltby Learning Trust are exploring the options available to repurpose the derelict Maltby Grammar School building for broader community use.
The building, best known for its impressive clock tower, has not been in full use since 2014 and is currently subject to ongoing vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Although structurally sound, the building’s condition is deteriorating rapidly, and the threat of demolition is becoming more likely.
The aspiration is to remodel the full building for community use, but that will be dependent on accessing external funding. Maltby Learning Trust aims to provide the local community with a new initiative that will serve the needs of the young people, in particular helping them find meaningful employment and connecting them with the local employment opportunities.
David Sutton, CEO of Maltby Learning Trust, said: “Hopefully through retaining the buildings links with Maltby Academy and sharing the facilities and expertise available, young people of Maltby and the broader community can be assisted in the move to employment and apprenticeships and the Trust can encourage start-up initiatives, provide guidance and create new work experience opportunities.
“The Trust is committed to engaging with a number of local community groups, the Town Council and Local Authority to try to access specific funding streams designed to upgrade old buildings, invest in community regeneration and crime reduction and bring safe community spaces into Town Centres.”
In preparation for any project the Trust have submitted a pre-planning application that outlines a scheme of part demolition and part refurbishment alongside a programme of full demolition.